The bad guy por Celia Aaron
Me encantó este libro, que se publica hoy y aquí les traigo la reseña. De verdad si les gustan los libros de romance oscuro este les encantará. Adictivo
Título: The Bad Guy
Autora: Celia Aaron
Mi nombre es Sebastian Lindstrom, y soy el villano en esta historia.
He decidido desnudarme a mí mismo. Decir la verdad por una vez en mi vida hueca, no importa cuán oscura se ponga. Y puedo asegurarte, se pondrá tan oscura que te encontrarás a ti mismo sintiendo las esquinas ennegrecidas de mi mente, buscando una manija de puerta que no está allí.
No confundas esto con una confesión. Y tampoco busco perdón ni lo aceptaría. Mis pecados son míos. Me mantienen acompañado. En su lugar, esta es la verdadera historia de como la encontré, la robé, y como la perdí.
Ella era una demisela, una que ya tenía su caballero blanco. Pero cada cuento de hadas tiene un villano, alguien esperando en las alas para desgarrar todo. Un canalla que pondrá el mundo en llamas si eso significa que consigue lo que quiere.Ese soy yo. Soy el tipo malo.
psicópatas estrellas!
Que puedo
decir, me encantó la historia. En los primeros capítulos pensé que dejaría el
libro porque el chico malo era demasiado malo para mí, (y eso que me encantan
los chicos malos,) pero conforme fue avanzando no pude dejar de sentir empatía
por Sebastian, entender su situación y poco a poco se fue ganando mi corazón.
Camille, es
una chica profesora de bilogía, apasionada por el tema, dulce, inocente, bella.
Ella va a una actividad con su novio Link y ahí conoce al jefe de su novio y
heredero de la empresa Sebastian.
sexy, guapo, misterioso, vulnerable, es un hombre totalmente diferente a
los demás porque tiene un trastorno de la personalidad psicópata que le impide
sentir empatía por las demás personas.
Debido a una
atracción explosiva que siente por Camille decide secuestrarla y hacerla
enamorarse de él, porque en su mente, ese plan funciona perfectamente.
La historia
se narra de varios puntos de vista, Camille, Sebastian y Link el novio de
Camille. Desde que Sebastian decide secuestrarla, intentos de Camille de
escapar, Link y los amigos que empiezan a sospechar que algo anda mal y en
tanto, la atracción y tensión sexual entre ambos va creciendo.
Al inicio
del secuestro se me hizo un poco difícil identificarme con Sebastian y su forma
de hablar y actuar. Conforme va avanzando la trama se dan ciertos vistazos al
pasado de él que permite entender la forma en que funciona su mente.
Me encantó
la historia porque está bien desarrollada y el personaje masculino es único,
(créanme que nunca pensé que me gustaría un psicópata), y la autora desarrolla
la trama y los personajes de forma que logra hacerla creíble y hasta que se
sienta empatía por él. Los diálogos te dejan deseando más y la atracción entre
ellos hace saltar chispas, la tensión es casi palpable en las páginas.
Es una
historia que me mantuvo pegada desde que empecé hasta que terminé. Sebastian me
intrigó demasiado y me encantó la forma que le demuestra a Camille sus
sentimientos (si se les puede llamar así), y la forma en que la trata es
demasiado dulce, a pesar de su irracionalidad. Y ese final, me dejó suspirando.
Me encantó
además el papá de Sebastian y su forma de ser, la relación entre ambos es
demasiado linda. Ya cuando lean verán por qué.
De verdad
super recomendado a los que les gusta las historias diferentes con chicos
malos, con una trama bien desarrollada, personajes complejos y diferentes, es
perfecta y de verdad no se van a arrepentir de acompañar en este viaje a
Camille y a Sebastian.
English review
5 ++++ psychopaths stars!
I can say that I loved the story. In the early chapters I thought I'd leave the book because the bad boy was too bad for me, (and I love the bad guys,) but as the story moved forward I could not help but feel empathy for Sebastian, understand his situation and little by little my heart was won.
Camille, is a girl who teaches biology, passionate about the subject, sweet, innocent, beautiful. She goes to an activity with her boyfriend Link and there meets the boss of her boyfriend, heair and CEO of the company, Sebastian.
Sebastian, sexy, handsome, mysterious, vulnerable, is a totally different man from others because he has a psychopathic personality disorder that prevents him from feeling empathy for other people.
Due to an explosive attraction he feels for Camille decides to kidnap her and make her fall in love with him, because in his mind, that plan works perfectly.
The story is told from several points of view, Camille, Sebastian and Camille's boyfriend Link. Since Sebastian decides to kidnap her, Camille attempts to escape, Link and her friends who begin to suspect that something is wrong and meanwhile, the attraction and sexual tension between them is growing.
At the beginning of the kidnapping, it was difficult for me to identify with Sebastian and his way of speaking and acting. As the plot progresses, there are certain glimpses of the past of him that allows to understand the way his mind works.
I loved the story because it is well developed and the male character is unique, (believe me I never thought I would like a psychopath), and the author develops the plot and characters in a way that manages to make it credible and until empathizes with him . The dialogues leave you wanting more and the attraction between them makes sparks jump, the tension is almost palpable in the pages.
It's a story that kept me stuck since I started until I finished. Sebastian intrigued me too much and I loved the way that shows his feelings to Camille (if you can call them that), and the way that treats her is too sweet, despite his irrationality. And that ending, left me sighing.
I also loved Sebastian's dad and his way of being, the relationship between them is too cute. When you read, you will see why.
Really super recommended to those who like different stories with bad guys, with a well-developed plot, complex and different characters, is perfect and you really will not regret accompanying on this trip Camille and Sebastian.
I can say that I loved the story. In the early chapters I thought I'd leave the book because the bad boy was too bad for me, (and I love the bad guys,) but as the story moved forward I could not help but feel empathy for Sebastian, understand his situation and little by little my heart was won.
Camille, is a girl who teaches biology, passionate about the subject, sweet, innocent, beautiful. She goes to an activity with her boyfriend Link and there meets the boss of her boyfriend, heair and CEO of the company, Sebastian.
Sebastian, sexy, handsome, mysterious, vulnerable, is a totally different man from others because he has a psychopathic personality disorder that prevents him from feeling empathy for other people.
Due to an explosive attraction he feels for Camille decides to kidnap her and make her fall in love with him, because in his mind, that plan works perfectly.
The story is told from several points of view, Camille, Sebastian and Camille's boyfriend Link. Since Sebastian decides to kidnap her, Camille attempts to escape, Link and her friends who begin to suspect that something is wrong and meanwhile, the attraction and sexual tension between them is growing.
At the beginning of the kidnapping, it was difficult for me to identify with Sebastian and his way of speaking and acting. As the plot progresses, there are certain glimpses of the past of him that allows to understand the way his mind works.
I loved the story because it is well developed and the male character is unique, (believe me I never thought I would like a psychopath), and the author develops the plot and characters in a way that manages to make it credible and until empathizes with him . The dialogues leave you wanting more and the attraction between them makes sparks jump, the tension is almost palpable in the pages.
It's a story that kept me stuck since I started until I finished. Sebastian intrigued me too much and I loved the way that shows his feelings to Camille (if you can call them that), and the way that treats her is too sweet, despite his irrationality. And that ending, left me sighing.
I also loved Sebastian's dad and his way of being, the relationship between them is too cute. When you read, you will see why.
Really super recommended to those who like different stories with bad guys, with a well-developed plot, complex and different characters, is perfect and you really will not regret accompanying on this trip Camille and Sebastian.
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