Review Scandalous by L.J. Shen
Scandalous review!! Loved this book too much and here is my review!

Scandalous por LJ Shen
They call him The Mute for a reason.
Hard, cold and calculated, he rarely speaks.
When he does, it’s with disdain.
When he does, his words aren’t meant for me.
When he does, my stomach flips and my world tilts on its axis.
He is thirty-three.
I am eighteen.
He’s a single dad and my father’s business partner.
I’m just a kid to him and his enemy’s daughter.
He’s emotionally unavailable.
And I am…feeling. Feeling things I shouldn’t feel for him.
Trent Rexroth is going to break my heart. The writing isn’t just on the wall, it’s inked on my soul.
And yet, I can’t stay away.
A scandal is the last thing my family needs. But a scandal is what we’re going to give them.
And oh, what a beautiful chaos it will be.
Ellos lo llaman el Mudo por una razón
Duro, frío, calculador, casi nunca habla.
Cuando lo hace, lo hace con desdén
Cuando lo hace sus palabras no son dirigidas a mí
Cuando lo hace mi estómago da una voltereta y mi mundo se gira sobre su eje.
El tiene treinta y tres.
Yo tengo dieciocho.
Es un papá soltero y el socio de negocios de mi papá
Soy solo una niña para él y la hija de su enemigo.
Él está emocionalmente no disponible.
Y yo estoy... sintiendo. Sintiendo cosas que no debería sentir por él.
Trent Rexroth va a romper mi corazón. La profecía no está solo en la pared, está tatuada en mi alma.
Y aun no puedo mantenerme lejos.
Un escándalo es la última cosa que mi familia necesita.
Pero un escándalo es lo que vamos a darle.
Y que bello caos será.
Ellos lo llaman el Mudo por una razón
Duro, frío, calculador, casi nunca habla.
Cuando lo hace, lo hace con desdén
Cuando lo hace sus palabras no son dirigidas a mí
Cuando lo hace mi estómago da una voltereta y mi mundo se gira sobre su eje.
El tiene treinta y tres.
Yo tengo dieciocho.
Es un papá soltero y el socio de negocios de mi papá
Soy solo una niña para él y la hija de su enemigo.
Él está emocionalmente no disponible.
Y yo estoy... sintiendo. Sintiendo cosas que no debería sentir por él.
Trent Rexroth va a romper mi corazón. La profecía no está solo en la pared, está tatuada en mi alma.
Y aun no puedo mantenerme lejos.
Un escándalo es la última cosa que mi familia necesita.
Pero un escándalo es lo que vamos a darle.
Y que bello caos será.
This is
the best book ever!!! Loved this book, the plot, twist, the characters!!! I am
so in love with this!!! Is a clomplex,
heartbreaking, amazing story!!!
Wow just wow, as Leigh does
to outdo herself every time, I have no idea, but her books just keep improving
every time.
This trip with our last
Hothole (yesssss, my heart cries for it), was one too intense, emotional,
distressing, sad, hopeful, unique, tender, hot, raw, I loved every word in the
book, every sentence so full of feelings.
I knew of course that my dear
Leigh would never disappoint me, and that Trent would make me fall at his feet,
but let me tell you that it was that and more, Leigh created her magic and gave
us a unique story, with twists and turns that I never expected, with unique prose,
masterfully developed, she always has the ability to create stories that make
you feel, live and suffer with the characters.
I started the book thinking
that no one could ever outdo my Dean, but I was completely wrong, Trent,
omyGod!!!, the mute, perfectly imperfect.
A journey of two lonely
souls, that found in the least expected way, but perfectly complemented. Trent
and Edie are perfect for each other, despite the differences that separate
them, and the drawbacks in their relationship, they had me sighing with love,
crying, suffering, laughing, hopefully.
I’m not your boyfriend, sweetheart.” “Then what are you?”
I gulped.
He leaned closer to me, whispering to the crook of my
neck, “Your undoing.”
“You’re mine, and you hate it. You’re mine, and I’m not a
wave you can ride. I’m the fucking ocean”
Trent, called the Mute, for
good reason, is an enigmatic character since we met him in Vicious, having a
very different upbringing to that of his friends, he has had to fight much more
for what he wants. He is a dark, quiet character who prefers solitude to the
company of people. He has to raise his daughter Luna alone and besides she is
also a solitary little girl who does not speak and has difficulties to relate
to others.
He was a dark knight made of
coarse material. Cruel in his silence and punishing in his confidence.
Edie is a teenager who
carries a heavy load on her shoulders, who does not have a life like that of
other teenagers and who despite coming from a wealthy family also struggles for
what she wants. She is a beautiful girl, young and full of life, who loves the
ocean and surf.
In an adverse situation they find and begin with the left foot, hating
themselves and wanting to kill each other, but in spite of everything they are
attracted physically.
“Fuck you.” My hands shook,
trying to pull down the hand break. “Not in a million years, kid. You’re not
worth the jail time.
I was able to breathe in his
singular scent, of a clean man and a dirty fuck. He oozed sensuality, making me
want messy, forbidden things.
As they begin to relate
sparks jump and each time the attraction is harder to hide. The encounters
between them are always explosive, with sparks jumping from both, hot and sexy
... In the end they have to give up to
the attraction and those scenes, wow, spontaneous combustion, that scenes, oh
my God !!! They made me blush on more than one occasion.
Luna, is a unique character,
a sweet, tender, solitary kid, who can not communicate with others. The
fierceness, love, and surrender with which Trent protected her made me so
tender, made me want more than once to enter the book and embrace them.
I wanted to share the world
with her. She was mine. My blood, my DNA, my cells, my eyes, my fucking being.
And still. I loved my
daughter hopelessly, desperately, urgently.
The hotholes, Dean, Jamie, Vicious, as always was a
delight every time they were together, I laughed too much with them, but I fall
in love with the fierce way they cover their backs and protect friends and
loved ones.
My friends were my tribe, my
custom-made, hand-selected family. Saying we had each other’s backs was an
understatement. Nearly twenty years and counting, we were still blindly loyal
toward one another. When one of us jumped, the others gladly took the fall.
Bane, I need his story, really, Russian, sexy, hot and I just finished
killing me his unconditional support with Edie. Super intriguing, may Leigh
bring us his story.
Bane wasn’t a good guy. He
was a liar, a thief, and a drug dealer. And my sometime boyfriend.
The other secondary
characters perfectly complemented the story.
This is a unique story, with so many feelings, so much passion, so much sweetness, so much reality, so much sadness, so much anguish, so much hope, and that epilogue, gahhhh, I cried of emotion with him, that Mr. epilogue.
This is a unique story, with so many feelings, so much passion, so much sweetness, so much reality, so much sadness, so much anguish, so much hope, and that epilogue, gahhhh, I cried of emotion with him, that Mr. epilogue.
I moved on top of me like I
was wave, filling my body, my core, and my soul. Stroking my cheeks, kissing my
eyes. “My girl, my obsession, my Tide.”
I’m his tide, and he’s my
anchor. Or maybe the sand itself
A story that you will not
want to miss, ladies and gentlemen, I fell at it feet, totally in love with the
characters, their way of being and the capacity of surrender and sacrifice for
those who love. I DO NOT WANT THE END, I do not want to say goodbye to the
hotholes, my heart is not ready yet ...
Unique, masterfully written
and very well developed ....
solo guau, como hace Leigh para superarse a sí misma cada vez, no tengo idea,
pero sus libros solo siguen mejorando cada vez.
viaje con nuestro último Hothole (siiii, mi corazón llora por ello), fue uno
demasiado intenso, emocional, angustiante, triste, esperanzador, único, tierno,
caliente, crudo, amé cada palabra del libro, cada frase tan llena de
sabía por supuesto que mi querida Leigh jamás me decepcionaría, y que Trent me
haría caer rendida a sus pies, pero déjenme decirles que fue eso y más, Leigh
creó su magia y nos entregó una historia única, con giros y giros que jamás me
esperaba, con una prosa única, desarrollada magistralmente, siempre tiene la
habilidad de crear historias que te hacen sentir, vivir y sufrir con los
el libro pensando que nadie jamás podría superar a mi Dean, pero estaba
completamente equivocada, Trent, omiDios, el mudo, perfectamente imperfecto.
viaje de dos almas solitarias, que se encuentran de la forma menos esperada,
pero se complementan de forma perfecta. Trent y Edie son perfectos el uno para
el otro, a pesar de las diferencias que los separan, y los inconvenientes en su
relación, me tuvieron suspirando de amor, llorando, sufriendo, riendo,
esperando con ellos.
llamado el Mudo, por justa razón, es un personaje enigmático desde que lo
conocimos en Vicious, teniendo una crianza muy diferente a la de sus amigos, ha
tenido que luchar mucho más por lo que quiere. Es un personaje oscuro, callado,
que prefiere la soledad a la compañía de la gente. Tiene que críar a su hija
Luna solo y aparte ella también es una niña solitaria que no habla y tiene
dificultades para relacionarse con los demás.
es una adolescente que lleva una carga pesada sobre sus hombros, que no tiene
una vida como la de los demás adolescentes y que a pesar de venir de una
familia adinerada también lucha por lo que quiere. Es una chica bella, joven y
llena de vida, que ama el océano y surfear.
una situación adversa se encuentran y comienzan con el pie izquierdo, odiándose
y queriendo matarse uno al otro, pero que a pesar de todo se sienten atraídos
empiezan a relacionarse chispas saltan y cada vez la atracción es más difícil
de ocultar. Los encuentros entre ellos son siempre explosivos, con chispas
saltando desde ambos, sexys y calientes… Al final no les queda más que ceder a
la atracción y esas escenas, combustión espontánea, que escenas, ohmiDios!!! Me
hicieron sonrojar en más de una ocasión.
es un personaje único, una niña dulce, tierna, solitaria, que no puede
comunicarse con los demás. Me provocó tanta ternura la fiereza, amor y entrega
con que Trent la protegía, me hizo querer más de una vez entrar en el libro y
hotholes, Dean, Jamie, Vicious, como siempre fue un deleite cada vez que
estaban juntos, reí demasiado con ellos, pero me enamora la forma tan fiera
como se cubren las espaldas y protegen a los amigos y los que aman.
necesito su historia, de verdad, ruso, sexy, caliente y me terminó de matar su
apoyo incondicional con Edie. Super intrigante, ojalá Leigh nos traiga su
demás personajes secundarios complementaron perfectamente la historia.
es una historia única, con tantos sentimientos, tanta pasión, tanta dulzura,
tanta realidad, tanta tristeza, tanta angustia, tanta esperanza, y ese epilogo,
gahhhh, grité de emoción con él, que señor epílogo.
historia que no querrán perderse, señoras y señores, caí rendida a sus pies,
totalmente enamorada con los personajes, su forma de ser y la capacidad de
entrega y sacrificio por los que aman. NO QUIERO QUE TEERMINE, no quiero
despedirme de los hotholes, mi corazón no está preparado todavía…
magistralmente escrita y muy bien desarrollada….

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About LJ Shen:
L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.
Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.
She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.

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